Thursday, May 23, 2013

No More Excuses?: The Myth of Black Uplift by David J. Leonard

No More Excuses?: The Myth of Black Uplift by David J. Leonard

Schools On CPS' Closing List By Race And Utilization - Sun-Times News

Schools On CPS' Closing List By Race And Utilization - Sun-Times News

Despite Protests, Chicago to Close 49 Schools -

Despite Protests, Chicago to Close 49 Schools -

The Ignored Arm of the Commons and the Invisible Hand of the Market | the becoming radical

The Ignored Arm of the Commons and the Invisible Hand of the Market | the becoming radical

Neoliberalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Neoliberalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Uncommon Genius: Stephen Jay Gould On Why Connections Are The Key to Creativity | Brain Pickings

Uncommon Genius: Stephen Jay Gould On Why Connections Are The Key to Creativity | Brain Pickings

FINAL Expectations

(1) Email by 5 pm Friday, May 24, 2013, your misconception essay focus.

(2) Email as attachment your misconception essay draft (use your last name as Word file name) by 5 pm Monday, May 27, 2013.

(3) Have chosen book completed for final book club Tuesday, May 28, 2013.

(4) Have a hard copy of misconception essay to workshop in groups Tuesday, May 28, 2013.

(5) Have mini-documentary ready to present Wednesday, May 29, 2013.

(6) FINAL work submission due by the end of class Wednesday, May 29, 2013:

  • Return ALL documentary reflections in class Wednesday.
  • Email as attachment your final misconception essay (will be posted on our blog).
  • Email as attachment your mini-documentary with ALL group members names in the email body and all members cc'd.

Monday, May 13, 2013

It’s the opportunity gap, stupid  - NY Daily News

It’s the opportunity gap, stupid  - NY Daily News

Chris Hedges: Why the United States Is Destroying Its Education System - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig

Chris Hedges: Why the United States Is Destroying Its Education System - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig

Orwellian Educational Change under Obama

Orwellian Educational Change under Obama: Crisis Discourse, Utopian Expectations, and Accountability Failures

Paul L. Thomas

John Thompson: An Improbable Tale of Successful Reform - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher

John Thompson: An Improbable Tale of Successful Reform - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher

What do the available data tell us about NYC charter school teachers & their jobs? | School Finance 101

What do the available data tell us about NYC charter school teachers & their jobs? | School Finance 101

Heart of Stone

Official web site

Groups and topics

Group Members: Clint Ritter, Tyler Peoples, and Chris Duggan

Topic: Perception of athletes at universities


Group Members: John Kiser, Caroline Thomas and Claire Smithy

Topic: transition between elementary, middle and high school


Group Members: Eva Bilo, Charlie Reddick, Megan Kelly



Group Members: Janice Roberts, Thomas, Brown, Brittany Hodges

Topic: private v. public schools


Group Members: Carolyn Smith, Sarah, Kinnett, and Alex Buchart

Topic: Furman professors re: teaching styles and educational philosophies

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Corridor of Shame: Support Material

SC schools report cards 2012

J.V. Martin Jr. High (2012)

East Elementary School (2012) [93.9 PI]

Britton's Neck Elementary (2012) [99.7 PI]

Estill Elementary (2012) [98.92 PI]

Estill High School (2012) [95.3 PI]

Allendale Elementary (2012) [98.99 PI]

Creek Bridge High School (2012) [96.73 PI]

Jasper School District (2012) [91.01 PI]

Hampton 2 (2012) [97.1 PI]

Poverty Index SC public schools (2012)


"other people's children" Lisa Delpit (2006)

"'They're All Our Children'" (AlterNet)

"'No Excuses' and the Culture of Shame" (AlterNet)

Teaching Inequality (Peske & Haycock, 2006)

"Teach Quality Mania" (allegory of the river)

Disrupting the School-to-Prison Pipeline

Disrupting the School-to-Prison Pipeline

Remembering Howard Zinn by Meditating on Teacher Unions and Tenure?

Remembering Howard Zinn by Meditating on Teacher Unions and Tenure?

Just Say No to Just Read, Florida, South Carolina | the becoming radical

Just Say No to Just Read, Florida, South Carolina | the becoming radical

Review [UPDATED]: “How to Evaluate and Retain Effective Teachers” (League of Women Voters of SC) | the becoming radical

Review [UPDATED]: “How to Evaluate and Retain Effective Teachers” (League of Women Voters of SC) | the becoming radical

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

May X 2013 Book Choices

Hope Against Hope

  • Carolyn Smith
  • John Kiser
  • Thomas Brown
  • Janice Roberts
  • Sarah Kinnett
  • Claire Smithy
Police in the Hallways
  • Eva Bilo
  • Clint Ritter
  • Brittany Hodges
  • Charlie Reddick
  • Tyler Peoples
  • Chris Duggan
  • Caroline Thomas
  • Alex Buchart
  • Megan Kelly

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Welcome to May X 2013

Here is your SYLLABUS.

You have book choices to make, and a group to form ASAP.

Here is a great place to start, by reading a recent blog of mine:

A Call for Non-Cooperation: So that Teachers Are Not Foreigners in Their Own Profession

We start 9 am, Wednesday, May 9 in room Hipp Hall 204.

Email if you have any questions.


Police in the Hallways, Nolan

Review (JEC), Thomas

Hope Against Hope, Carr

Review (Wilson Quarterly), Thomas

The New Jim Crow, Alexander

SAT 2012 data

the becoming radical

"Poverty Matters" (Truthout), Thomas