Thursday, May 24, 2012

Indelible Image of Boy’s Pat on Obama’s Head -

Indelible Image of Boy’s Pat on Obama’s Head -

FINAL schedule

May 28: Memorial Day (no class)

May 29: (1) Turn in ALL documentary reflections (printed/marked by me); (2) Bring a DRAFT of your commentary to class for workshop

May 30: (1) Present class documentaries for discussion; (2) Course feedback forms

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

How to "Live Tweet” your May Experience Project (Thursday, May 24th at 3pm)

FAQs: How to "Live Tweet” your May Experience Project (Thursday, May 24th at 3pm)

What is it?

A chance to share your May projects and crowd-source your sticking points, either virtually or in person.

Who can contribute?

Any student involved in a May Experience course.

When is it?

[THIS MINUTE] You can tweet a sentence or so describing your project at any time. Use the hashtags #MAYX or #MAYXSWARM along with your description. Or you can send descriptions and photos to the @FURMANMAYX Twitter page or the May X Facebook Page at

[THURSDAY, 24 MAY @ 3:00] Come write a tweet-sized sentence describing your project on a poster sheet we'll provide, and then discuss the project with other people face-to-face.

Where is it?

[] Project tweets can be posted in social space at any time. It is everywhere on the planet where Furman students are working on a May course.

[Live-Tweeting] Our gathering will be in the Garden Room in the basement of the Furman Chapel. Light refreshments, poster sheets, markers, reference librarians, and a good crowd will be provided.

Why do this?

There are all kinds of exciting projects going on a Furman and this will be a great chance to share in public. There is nothing like briefly explaining your project to someone else to help you figure out what about it is most important and most inter-esting. You will see what your friends have been up to. You can get help with that one or two "sticking points" that always come up any time you work on new investigations.

How do I participate?

[VIRTUALLY] You can tweet a sentence or so describing your project at any time. Use the hashtags #MAYX or #MAYXSWARM along with your description. Or you can send descriptions and photos to the @FURMANMAYX Twitter page or the May X Face-book Page at

[IN-PERSON] Show up at the Chapel Garden Room with your friends. Grab a pen. Write a "live-tweet" sentence about your project on a poster board. If you have a sticking point, write that, too. Stand by your poster. Talk to people. Ask a librarian.

Palmetto Educators Network

Palmetto Educators Network

Daily Kos: Charter Schools Not the Answer, Especially if We Fail to Identify the Question

Daily Kos: Charter Schools Not the Answer, Especially if We Fail to Identify the Question